Monday, October 12, 2009

Ladybug Shih-Tzu

What a good sport.
Thanks to Auntie Annie for this lovely Ladybug costume... doesn't he look amused!?

Gracie wanted her picture taken too... can you tell?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hamburger Cookies... with Fries!

Back when doing my internship at Lansing Art Gallery, the Gallery's director, Cathy, told me about the fun hamburger treats she had made for a children's event. For nearly two years this idea has rested in the back of my mind, until about a week ago, when I was brainstorming an idea for Jen's son Noah's 3rd birthday party. It dawned on me where all my great ideas seem to dawn on me- during my morning ritual of trying to wake myself up and pull myself out of bed....:)
Needless to say, I was very happy with the result. Aren't they awesome!? Burger Cookies!