Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back in West Michigan!

These past couple weeks have been pretty crazy....

Denis got a new job in Holland less than a month ago, so we began apartment hunting in Grand Haven. Our apartment hunt quickly turned into a house hunt once we realized that NO ONE wanted to rent to us, being the owners of two dogs. We were, however, more than welcome to move in if we decided to get rid of them... yeah right... not our kids! I also began packing up the apartment in the hopes of moving out before the middle of August, in order to find someone to rent our apartment for the remainder of our lease agreement. We started house hunting with our Realtor on a Friday, and ended our hunt (hopefully) on the same day! We both fell in love with a little brick house on Lakeshore Drive in GH and thought about it endlessly over the weekend. On Monday, after taking a second look and getting Mama Ruth's approval, we put in an offer! As of now, we are awaiting a response from the bank that holds the seller's mortgage, as the sellers are about to go into foreclosure and need the bank's approval to sell their home at a minimal price. What a pain in the butt this is! Good things are worth waiting for, I have no doubt about this, but we are on pins and needles right now.

Not to mention, in the midst of packing, moving and house bidding, a horrendous storm hit Fruitport and the surrounding area, taking with it our electricity for over two days, causing lots of traffic congestion and greatly limiting our ability to communicate with others. Thanks for that, Mother Nature.

Meanwhile, Denis is also preparing for his new job in Holland, where things will surely be different, including the new 30/40 minute commute and his new responsibility of teaching 6th and 7th graders, as opposed to only 7th grade for the past 4 years. Crazy, exciting and stressful. Let's just say I'm glad that I'm not him right now! And did I mention he's also looking for a new vehicle before his breaks down?! For now, we're staying at Mama Ruth's house... hoping to hear good news soon.

They say that when it rains, it pours. For me and D, and this point in time, they were right on.

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